Monday, September 8, 2008

HERE THERE: A Lecture by Patrick Kelley

There were a lot of things that I impressed while walking around the gallery and listening to the lecture.  While looking through the flipbooks, there was intimacy between the book and myself.  The intimacy was the changing of images and texts from one page to the next.  It was like the images and texts were telling a story.  This feeling of intimacy relates back to what Professor Kelley said about what he thinks about text and images: he thinks that both text and images work together as narratives, or tell a story.  Another thing that impressed me was animated text.  While watching the animated text, it brought me back to the studying of gravity in my science classes.  Watching the letters drop, I knew right then that gravity was playing a role in this animation.  Gravity was pulling the letters back to the ground.  In conclusion, I learned that images and text have a relationship to the space surrounding them.  It also relates to back my interests in taking photographs of landscapes.  When I take landscape photographs, I think about space: what, how, and why we use space.  I also think about how space changes as we move through and around it, meaning do we feel different as we move or the same?  I was thinking about these things as I was walking around the gallery and looking at the pictures.  While looking at the pictures, I felt trapped in them because it was an enclosed space.  When I look at these photographs, I ask myself what is beyond the circle.  It is like a mystery to me.  

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