Sunday, September 28, 2008

Negative Exchange Project

In my opinion, Grace and Caitlin's negative exchange project is the most successful in terms of cropping, tonal range, and size.  In Caitlin's original print of the crop field, the tonal range is very light until you get to the middle where it gets darker.  In Grace's print, she decided to focus on just that dark area in Caitlin's original in order to express intimacy or secrecy.  Grace expresses that intimacy through the difference in tonal range between hers and Caitlin's print.  There is a combination of black and gray tones in several areas.  The black tones are mainly at the bottom and the gray tones are in the grass.  The difference in size is another reason why it is successful.  Caitlin's original print shows the entire field whereas Grace's interpretation shows just one section of the field.  Both of these differences suggest that both artists were looking at the subject in a different way.  One was looking at it as a whole whereas the other was looking at it through intimacy and secrecy.  

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