Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sally Mann

I liked how she managed to use, as she put it, everyday/ordinary subjects such as her family or the land around her in her art. She didn't just use them. The portraits were intense and the landscapes more than "romantic". It seemed like sometimes the family had no choice when it came to being models, but when images of the kids are so striking it would be a shame not to have captured and shared them.
I wish there had been more about the processes she used. It was amazing how she worked out of the back of her van. I liked her acceptance of the flaws that appeared in her prints and how she considered the mistakes as improvements. They made her work more unique and added a different aspect to it.
I got the impression that she thought the world revolved around her. It bored me a little. A self portrait series seemed an obvious progression. I felt it coming.

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